AS 3959-2009

Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas

STANDARD by Standards Australia, 01/01/2009

PREFACE Development

This AS 3959-2009 Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee FP-020, Construction ofBuildings in Bushfire-prone Areas, to supersede AS 3959—1999.

This Standard incorporates Amendment No. 1 (November 2009), Amendment No. 2(February 2011) and Amendment No. 3 (November 2011). The changes required by theAmendment are indicated in the text by a marginal bar and amendment number against theclause, note, table, figure or part thereof affected.Changes to this EditionThis Edition incorporates the following changes:(a) The method of determining the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) for a site (Section 2) hasbeen revised and now comprises six categories, namely BAL—LOW, BAL—12.5,BAL—19, BAL—29, BAL—40 and BAL—FZ. These categories are based on heatflux exposure thresholds (see Table 3.1).(b) The methods for determining the Bushfire Attack Level now include both a step-bystepprocedure, including tables that list climate, slope of ground and vegetationvariations in States and Territories (Section 2) and a detailed calculated procedurecontained in Appendix B.

The slope of ground has also been clarified in Section 2 anda description and measurement of slope is included in Clause 2.2.4.(c) The construction sections have been reorganized in group-specific constructionrequirements by Bushfire Attack Levels (BALs), rather than by building component.There are now seven Sections, namely Section 3 (General) Section 4 (BAL—LOW,for which this Standard does not provide construction requirements), Section 5(BAL—12.5), Section 6 (BAL—19), Section 7 (BAL—29), Section 8 (BAL—40),and Section 9 (BAL—FZ).
